The Amazing Me...
*drum rolls* Presenting...the story of the AMAZING ME! *chianggggg*
I had to go for class yesterday...Hence, I took the ferry instead of the bridge as the place where I'm supposed to attend my class is just opposite the Penang Jetty. Note that I was really tired yestereday...really really tired. So, I got on the ferry, turn off the engine, and took a quick nap.
Yes, quick nap. I pretty much define nap as sleeping unsoundly. In other words, you would usually wake up after say 5 mins or so. Me...being the amazing me...I didn't just took a quick nap. I doze off. I was sleeping in the car. Apparently, cars were honking at me...but I just couldn't wake up! (Did I mention that I was really really really tired?)
Anyway, the ferry attendant had to come and knock on my window to wake me up. Got up and realize everyone has left except the 4 cars behind me (I was 2nd in line in one of the lines). I was really embarassed to be honest. Another ferry attendant was just laughing at me...I got up, start my engine and drove off...again, feeling embarassed.
Oh well, at least they were kind enough to wake me up and didn't just leave me in the ferry and have the ferry take me on a ride back to the mainland...that would have been...I dunno how to describe what that would have been...*hehe*
So, there you have it. The story of the Amazing Me... ^_^
Back to Blogging
Haven't been writing anything for the pass 1 month...and...the most common excuse I would use is...I've been busy - with work mostly. And then there was the CNY holidays...then biz travel...oh, and not forgetting yea...I've been busy.
Fear not ppl, coz I AM BACK! *teehee*...Nothing really happened for the pass one month...
- The month of February began...with no apparent was hot though
- Then there's the celebration of Chinese New is still hot...'ang pow' income was so so...can't complain though.
- Valentine's Day...nothing special again...just like any other day when you are alone... *hehe*
- Work...will remain as work...have I mentioned that the weather is hot?
- Travel to China for a week and a half...cold as ever (which reminds me...I need thicker winter clothing)...China will always be China...Dirty, yes. Polluted, yes. Cold, yes in Shanghai, not really in Shenzhen. Due to cold weather, my nose bleed most of the time...and of coz, not forgetting dry skin...
- Of coz Hong Kong was part of my itinerary as well...HK is lovely...had all my fave food (hence I need to hit the gym ASAP!)...didn't do much shopping though...
- Got back to Malaysia a couple of days ago...and weather is hot as ever - well, except for today maybe...coz it rained. Yay rain!
- My threadless T-shirt arrived! Loving it lots! ^_^ (I shall blog about it later)
- is the 2nd last day of February...*gosh how time flies*
And there you have it...boring ain't it my life...I need to dive...
Anyhuuuuuu...may everyone have a great start in life in March!