Friday, July 14, 2006


Ever heard of this term, Microinequities? It is basically the small little gestures and movements, or some small words you speak that sends a powerful message to the opposite party. It could be a positive message, or it could also be a negative message. Well, usually, it's a negative a message.

So, what are these gestures you might ask? It could be...rolling your eyes for instance. It's just a small move...roll the eyes. However, it sends a powerful message that you are perhaps not satisfied with a particular thing. It could also be...when you are talking, someone crosses his or her arms. That could be a microinequity - to show defense perhaps, or...dissatisfaction. Nevertheless, it is a strong message.

We send microinequity messages all the time. Others send them to us, we send them back. At times, we might not notice all of this, when we move, when we speak, but we are doing it. It is however important to notice all these so call micro stuffs, coz one might be able to get some info from this small tiny messages because they sure are powerful messages.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006



Ok. As you can see, I am a little estatic there. Well, maybe not a little...more like very very estatic. HAHAHA...I went to take the Open Water Dive course and I enjoyed every bit of it. Well, not exactly every bit...(hated the part when the freaking current just wipes you out of the course)...

There's a bunch of skills you have to learn. Like clearing your mask underwater, how to get neutral buoyancy, how to help a diver in need, never ever ever hold your breath underwater etc. It would be rather scary at first. It's like, CAN YOU REALLY BREATHE UNDERWATER? The one moment before you that's scary. After that, it's like...OH! I can breathe! I AM BREATHING!!!!! Next, to get neutrally buoyant a.k.a to swim like the fish...this is tough. You pretty much have to estimate how much air you need in your BCD (the thing that makes you float - something like a life jacket). Then you have the whole equalizing your ear thing, coz of the pressure as you go down and all...bla bla bla...and it gets annoying when you need to do everything at once...

And see the fishes...and the corals...and it's like...HEAVEN. It just put a smile on your face...You swim with the fishes...and they are just ALL AROUND you. HEAVENNNNNNNNNNNNN...

The corals are just lovely. I did snorkeling once...and the feeling is just different. When you snorkel, the feeling was wonderful. However, when you dive, it's HEAVENLY. It's marvellous. Ahhhhhhhh...

For those who has the opportunity to go do it...JUST DO IT! It's one of those things you have to do...once in your lifetime. GO GO GO. DO IT!