Sunday, April 13, 2008

Changes & Regrets

Let's talk about the various changes and regrets in our lifes. Changes happen every now and then. It is an inevitable mechanism. When a situation changes, we then find ourselves trying to change in order to adapt to that new situation. But, how many of us can actually do that? How many of us hung on just thinking that everything will still be okie and normal?

Changing is not an easy task. It's definitely not as easy as ABC or 123 for that matter. It requires courage, spiritual strength..and really, the will to WANT to change. How do I then deal with changes that happens around me? Do I change almost instantly? Of coz not.

I think. The one thing I think about is the regrets I would have if I did or did not change. Everyone has many goals in do I. But there's this one goal which I will want to make sure I must meet is for me to live my life for as long as I can without a single regret.

When something bad happens to us, it does not necessarily generates regret instantly. In other words, it might have been a right decision made at that time that just gone bad...or just a wrong decision made, but you don't regret making those decisions. Life isn't all that easy...some things are bound to go wrong someday. You just learn what went wrong, pick yourself up and get back on your feet. There's no such thing as I cannot do it...there's only I don't want to do it.

Becoz I ensure that I live my life with no regrets, I'll change if it's something that is not right. There are things where I would think...if this goes on for the next 10 years, would I have wanted that life? Could I have done something back then to change it? Why didn't I do so? If you are asking this question after 10 years, then that's living a regret.

Regrets are something that are painful to live with. It is like a burden that bites into your soul every now and then. I've had my share of ups and downs...but I'm thankful and grateful that so far, I've lived my life with no regrets. I've shed countless tears for unhappy situation, but I believed that if I have made this choice, it would be a choice with no regrets.

I'm not saying that changes are easy. Who says changes were ever easy? I've had my shares of making difficult decisions and having to crawl through that situation alone. But why not change when you know the current situation aren't working out for you? If you know that this sadness would only be short term...why not do it now rather than waiting to regret 10 years from now?

Life isn't all that easy. Changing is a part of life. Living with regrets is also a part of life. Which would you choose? To change or to live with regrets?


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