Friday, February 29, 2008

The Amazing Me...

*drum rolls* Presenting...the story of the AMAZING ME! *chianggggg*

I had to go for class yesterday...Hence, I took the ferry instead of the bridge as the place where I'm supposed to attend my class is just opposite the Penang Jetty. Note that I was really tired yestereday...really really tired. So, I got on the ferry, turn off the engine, and took a quick nap.

Yes, quick nap. I pretty much define nap as sleeping unsoundly. In other words, you would usually wake up after say 5 mins or so. Me...being the amazing me...I didn't just took a quick nap. I doze off. I was sleeping in the car. Apparently, cars were honking at me...but I just couldn't wake up! (Did I mention that I was really really really tired?)

Anyway, the ferry attendant had to come and knock on my window to wake me up. Got up and realize everyone has left except the 4 cars behind me (I was 2nd in line in one of the lines). I was really embarassed to be honest. Another ferry attendant was just laughing at me...I got up, start my engine and drove off...again, feeling embarassed.

Oh well, at least they were kind enough to wake me up and didn't just leave me in the ferry and have the ferry take me on a ride back to the mainland...that would have been...I dunno how to describe what that would have been...*hehe*

So, there you have it. The story of the Amazing Me... ^_^


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