Bad Day (Part 2)
Well, I'm back to work today. *sigh*This blog is a part 2 of my previous blog. I am going to talk about those bastards. These ppl...all they really think about is money and themselves. That's all. They have never thought about the consequences of their actions to another person, especially the elderly. For those who has yet to read my previous blog, I'm talking about snatch thieves that would ride a motorcycle, snatch and yank the bag of a passer-by, drags that innocent victim for miles and speeding off once they get the bag. *sigh*
I was lucky that I wasn't dragged on. I was lucky that I didn't have to go through day after day lying in the hospital bed. I'm just so blessed that I'm extremely lucky. But what about those who aren't as lucky as me? Like the teacher who died? Or the lady who's still in coma?
Some of you might say, if those bastards have ever thought about the consequences, they might not have done it in the first place. Well, I beg to differ. Some humans these days are just plain...heartless. And it's just soooo sad...
I don't really know what the punishment for this crime is currently, but I know for sure that I would hope that the punishment is equal to the punishment one would give to someone who has convicted a murder. do they differ from any murderer? I think there are no differences whatsoever. The experience stills haunts me. *sigh* I think I've asked this question once, but I'll ask it again...WHAT IS THIS WORLD BECOMING OFF?