Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Bad Day (Part 2)

Well, I'm back to work today. *sigh*

This blog is a part 2 of my previous blog. I am going to talk about those bastards. These ppl...all they really think about is money and themselves. That's all. They have never thought about the consequences of their actions to another person, especially the elderly. For those who has yet to read my previous blog, I'm talking about snatch thieves that would ride a motorcycle, snatch and yank the bag of a passer-by, drags that innocent victim for miles and speeding off once they get the bag. *sigh*

I was lucky that I wasn't dragged on. I was lucky that I didn't have to go through day after day lying in the hospital bed. I'm just so blessed that I'm extremely lucky. But what about those who aren't as lucky as me? Like the teacher who died? Or the lady who's still in coma?

Some of you might say, if those bastards have ever thought about the consequences, they might not have done it in the first place. Well, I beg to differ. Some humans these days are just plain...heartless. And it's just soooo sad...

I don't really know what the punishment for this crime is currently, but I know for sure that I would hope that the punishment is equal to the punishment one would give to someone who has convicted a murder. do they differ from any murderer? I think there are no differences whatsoever. The experience stills haunts me. *sigh* I think I've asked this question once, but I'll ask it again...WHAT IS THIS WORLD BECOMING OFF?

Monday, November 05, 2007

Bad Day (but thank God)

I met with a snatch thief today...sigh...The bastard was riding on a motorcycle and riding pass me very quickly he tried snatch my handbag. Thank god the part he tried to pull snap (so he got nothing really) but I got a lot of things -- my head was swollen up pretty badly (I hit my head on the tar road), bruisers on my back (hurts damn bad), my arms, slightly swollen neck, cut on one leg and some scratches as well. Stupid bastard.

On the good end...I don't need stitches so I'm really much okie. Mum is safe (that's more important). I was fortunate to have a lot of ppl who offered to help; one offered a chair, another one a warm water, one even offered to drive, etc. Although I don't know who all of you are, I really appreciate you guys. All of are really angels in disguist. Thank you all.

For those who are reading, pls becareful. This happened in the back lane of the Pulau Tikus shoplots (the one with Yataimura, Maybank, and all). There's a back lane leading to another set of parking lots. Pls be careful. Especially gals carrying handbags. Always make sure you carry your bag on the inside of road. That was my biggest mistake. Never walk down dark lanes alone, or even with just one partner. It's still very dangerous. Just be more alert of your surroundings.

I'm just blessed and glad that I'm okie. Thank God. But that bastard...

Friday, November 02, 2007

Don't Shave and Drive

I was driving to work one fine day (well it had to be a fine day coz it's a FRIDAYYYYY!). Anyway, I was driving in the right lane when I came up to this car who was going wayyyyy too slow. Well, he didn't seem to have a plan to move over to the left lane, so I move instead.

I have this habit of just looking across to see why the driver would choose to drive so slowly. Usually, I would expect to see ppl on the phone talking intensely...or the elderly driving...BUT not this time.

I saw a man shaving with a normal shaver - not an electrical razor, but a normal shaver. Yes, he was shaving...looking into the rear mirror, shaving. If it's an electrical razor, I would have thought that in a way it's still okie. But really...shaving, while driving...*speechless*.

We have Don't Drink and Drive, some even say Don't Eat and I think we should have Don't Shave and Drive. Guys...seriously...if you think that there's a need to shave that day, pls shave before you leave the house.