Friday, November 02, 2007

Don't Shave and Drive

I was driving to work one fine day (well it had to be a fine day coz it's a FRIDAYYYYY!). Anyway, I was driving in the right lane when I came up to this car who was going wayyyyy too slow. Well, he didn't seem to have a plan to move over to the left lane, so I move instead.

I have this habit of just looking across to see why the driver would choose to drive so slowly. Usually, I would expect to see ppl on the phone talking intensely...or the elderly driving...BUT not this time.

I saw a man shaving with a normal shaver - not an electrical razor, but a normal shaver. Yes, he was shaving...looking into the rear mirror, shaving. If it's an electrical razor, I would have thought that in a way it's still okie. But really...shaving, while driving...*speechless*.

We have Don't Drink and Drive, some even say Don't Eat and I think we should have Don't Shave and Drive. Guys...seriously...if you think that there's a need to shave that day, pls shave before you leave the house.


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