Friday, June 16, 2006


Lovely neighborhood. One say you have a lovely neighborhood. What does that mean? Could it only be that your environment is nice? Safe? What about your neighbors? Are they nice ppl to talk to? Do you know each other well enough to ask them over for dinner...or tea?

This is probably a typical neighborhood as seen on TV. *smile*. You know those nice place in small town where everyone knows everyone who lives there...Everyone is nice to everyone...I guess I won't have the chance to experience that.

One wise guy told me about the place he grew up in. I can't exactly remember where, but it's this small little town, and it has all the essence of a typical nice neighborhood. Everyone knows him...not as him himself, but as the son of his father. They talk, they treat you good...they are just the nice ppl from your home. You feel at home, when you go back to this place, despite not going back for a long time.

However, I was...blessed...or maybe not so blessed to grow up in a city. You live in apartments, and you know basically, the guy next door, and that's about it. You don't have ppl coming over for tea, or dinner, or anything like that. It's YOU...and YOUR HOME...and then there's the rest of the residents at the apartment.

Well, then again, it might not be the culture in Malaysia to be friendly to everyone they see...That could be it. Anyway, it's just a thought. I wonder if Malaysia would have this little place....... ^_^


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