Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Thought of the Day - Tues, May 9

Some things that everyone does, do not necessarily mean that you have to do it.
Some things that everyone says YES to, does not imply that it is CORRECT.

True statement? I think so. Try to recall to a time where you are in a training session...and the instructor asks a question. You generally do not know the answer and you tend to raise your hand if you see that most of the people in the room raises their hands. Why? Does majority always imply that it is the right thing to do? Not necessarily.

People tend to do things because everyone is doing it. For instance, in college, you might hear someone say "I want to take this course because everyone is doing it." Well, one should learn how to analyze and think for themselves. We have to always remember that there are certain stuffs where some ppl can excel in and there are other stuffs where you can excel in - and that other stuffs might be done by the minorities. So what if it is the minority? As last as long you are happy doing it and you can potrait excellence in it...why not?

We have to always think out of the box. We have to also think what's good for us...or rather what's good for ME? Coz ME is definitely different from WE, or US, or HIM, or HER. Just remember that some things that everyone does is not always the right thing for us. People might judge if we do something different, but that is what would make us stand out and be different from the rest. The different is something that would make us excel. As what the guys from Apple would say..."THINK DIFFERENT". So start thinking different today PPL!


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