Thursday, June 01, 2006

Movie Update

Here's a quick review of what I think of the recent movies that are screened in the cinema.

Movie #1 - The Da Vinci Code
Oh, this has been a long awaited movie by many of us. LONG awaited. For those who have read the book even before this movie was screen, it has been one great book. It's well written...the story line is brilliant...the description of the places were in detail...bottom line, the book was wonderful.

To be honest, I had HIGH expectation for this movie. I thought it is going to be movie of the year or something. Unfortunately, it was rather a disappointment. (sigh) It was not a great movie, it was only an OK movie. It does not have that "oommphhh" that can be found in the book. Some of the interesting parts are too short. It's just...sad and disappointing. So...disappointment #1.

Movie #2 - Over the Hedge
This is a cartoon. I was having a crappy day and I wanted to really really have a good laugh. You know, like laugh my socks off (literally speaking). Anyway, the creator for Over the Hedge is also the creator for Madagascar and Shrek. Now, those 2 cartoons are one of the best cartoons of all time. I really really had a good laugh!!! So, I was preparing myself to be tickled...went in to the movie...and...

SIGH. Socks didn't came off. It was funny...but not as funny...not...VERY FUNNY. It was just...alright. But, I love Hammy. He's cute. He's funny...He's wacky...he's... :P:P

Movie #3 - XMen III
Many of my friends have watched the movie. I haven't had good feedbacks on the movie. A lot of them say that it is...OK. Not great, but just ALRIGHT. But, I find the movie great! :D I actually thought that it was better than the Da Vinci Code. Some say it's a typical action movie...but I thought it's better than most action movies. Had a crappy day last nite...but it ended well...with this movie. :)

Anyway, these are my point of views on these 3 most recent hit. It's great least I get to watch these movies. hahaha...I love the summer though. They always have great movies.


At 4:22 PM, Blogger kakikopi said...

hey chiao ju,

lydia here.
nice blog. love your entries =)
keep in touch =)


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