Thursday, April 20, 2006

the SWINGS of life

Hmmm...I guess everyone has their own moods and swings day in day out. There are days when we wake up on the right side of the bed and feel really good. There are also times when you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed...and nothing seems to go right. Everything felt SOOOOO wrong. It's like... *speechless*

I have to admit that I have become a person with a lot of mood swings. Especially ever since I started working. I don't remember having such extreme changes in my moods when I was younger...I, however do have a friend who's like that...I mean her mood changes almost instantly.

Guys would always say that when gals are having mood swings, it's because they are PMS-ing. Well...that might be true...but it's not the case all the time. How about guys? When you have a change in your mood, does that imply that you are PMS-ing as well? *wink*

I guess a person's mood swings according to several contributing factor. But, I do think that one of the most critical contributing factor is that person's attitude...or rather the person's character when handling specific situations.

Lets take for instance work. Now, stress is all you get at work. Of coz you do get the happiness and a sense of satisfaction when you complete or achieve a goal...but bottom line, stress is all around. That's when you are put to the test in terms of stress handling. Like me...I am bad at it. I eat damn a lot...I cry...I get pissed off...and then I eat again. Some might say I can't take stress, but I beg to differ. I would say I need stress...coz I am pretty is pretty much a TOOL to move me as we go along. Anyway, that's beside the point. The point is, I have seen ppl with good methods in handling stress...which is awfully great. I have a friend who goes fishing...and swimming when he's stress. I have another friend...who eats. And another who doesn't. Thus, how you handle the situation actually shows in your mood.

Another example is perhaps a person's character. Like if you are more empathetic, then another person's mood or condition might impact you. Which...I would say is good to a certain extend...but to some measures, it might not be all that positive anymore. Anyway, that we shall discuss in anoter point here is...a person's mood MIGHT just depend on others.

Well...there are many other swings of is like a swing...hahahha...comments ppl?


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