Sunday, July 10, 2005


Why do a person cry? It could because of happiness, it could be because of sadness, it could be due to frustration, anger, stress, etc. The question now is that, is it OK to cry? that an indication that the person is weak?

It wouldn't be wrong for me to say that averagely, a girl cries more than a guy. Is this an implication that since girls are more emotional then girls are of the weaker link? I do not think so! Crying or shedding a tear is another form of expressing ourselves. It's like, some people choose to scream when they are all stressed out...or, eat when they are happy... and well, some people just choose to cry! Like me! :-)

Crying is at times good. You would kinda hurt yourself if like you cry way too much, but other than that, it's just a form of letting all your frustration, sadness, stress out! After you cry, u'll be surprise by how relieved you would feel. My mum use to say, "girl, you have grown up now. Don't cry when u like to! u have to learn how to control yourself!" and i told her that i don't cry when i want to. I cry when it is time to cry! there are moments for crying you know! ;-)

Soooo ppl, don't be afraid to cry. Never ever be afraid to express yourself. Expressing and telling ppl what you think is just part of life. It's something which is pretty important. Everyone has something to say, and every idea is brilliant. Express...before you regret!


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