Monday, March 21, 2005


Yesterday, I had a sort-of-final-farewell-dinner with all my coursemates..Gosh, it only seemed like yesterday when I first got to know them. I have always find it difficult to say goodbye after getting to know them well..and became really close friends. Sigh..if only time would just stop..I know, thats a pretty naive way to think..but still.....

Friends will always be a part of us, no matter where we are. Good friends are reliable, and would be there..just to listen. That's my definition of a good friend. However, sometimes, we get disappointed by our friends..At times, it is not that they choose not to help, but sometimes, the timing isn't right and they just can't help us. Friends can be angels..but they can be devils too..hahaha..Friends, I would always appreciate all the friends that I have..

As for my coursemates, you know who you are..You have been the greatest for the past 3 years..Everyone of you. Without you guys, life in uni would not have been the same. Thanks for being such great friends, and just being you..I take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of you the very best in your future careers. May all of you meet success at the end of the path you have choosen! Keep in touch and Take care!


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