Saturday, July 09, 2005

the QUIET moments

Hmmm...quiet moments. I seldom have those moments during my schooling least up till university stage. There's always someone at home (well, even in uni, I have studied in the university in my hometown, so I have very little "experience" living alone)...Once I got home, I'll start to BABBLE non-stop, about whatever that have happened to me that very day! Well, there's no doubt that I DO talk alot. Basically everything and anything else that has happened. Ok, back to my point. I have never ever experienced really quiet times alone until recently!

My whole family in a way to another city...Dad got transferred, sisters studying there, and mum...just travelling between the 2 places. Only thing, I think she went there more often. Anyway, I have this weekend to be alone again (which is like...I think it's like for the nth time). The usual weekdays, u'll work all day and when u get back, u don't really feel the quietness. Well, on weekends, (considering the fact that i choose to stay home)'s soooo quiet, I keep hearing my thoughts. hehehhe...but it's kinda fun actually. It can be boring at times, but then again, you have the time to think about stuffs! No distraction, no noise (well, except for the ones I make), no...nothing.

It is a strange feeling when no one is around to talk to u. I think you breath would actually stink for not opening your mouth the whole 24 hours. or maybe more. =) but it is indeed a great feeling to have "THE ULTIMATE" silent moments to ourselves. We need to take a break from talking to humans, and for once, just listen to the thoughts inside our head! I'll be having more and more quiet moments I I grow older...n I can't believe that half the year has passed (okie, this is beside the point)...silent...nice... ^_^


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