Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Learn to love and be loved

Have u ever thought that there would be one point that u would lose ur loved ones? How would that feel? Sad? Angry? Fear? Frustration? I would definitely without a doubt feel sad...and also angry. I have a great fear of losing my loved ones. Losing them to sickness...Losing them to accidents...or losing them to old age. This got me thinking about the phrase i once read in a book "Learn to Love and be Loved".

How do we love a person? Is is merely on materials? Or just caring? Then again, there's like different kinds of love. The love for your family, for your spouse, for your friends, etc. And there's like a whole different way of expressing love to your family compared to the love you express to your friends. So...back to the question...How do we love a person? I guess it's giving...but not blindly giving, but giving with a heart...a heart which is full of compassion, and love, and...gratefulness. To appreciate and to respect your loved ones are important as well.

How do we be loved then? That's easy right...u just...sit there and feel the love. =) I guess it is pretty much related to the fact of how much do u accept the person. How much love are u accepting. But i believe, when u love, u'll be love. It's that whole karma thing in buddhism. So...learning to love and be loved isn't that difficult after all right?

Hmmm...not for me. I guess it's the fear of losing someone. When u give a person everything and they just...go away...that's heart breaking. That's a sad sad thing. learning to love and to give a person everything is really tough. I don't think it's easy at all. It's no where near being easy. But, a wise person told me, it's the experience that counts...not the outcome. I thought about it, and it's kind of true!

You know, when we play RPG (Role Play Game), it's the journey of getting to the final task that counts. I love playing Final Fantasy. What satisfies me is the journey I took to get to the final destination. It's the experience...the ultimate journey... Death is something I can't really take it just yet. I understand the concept, but I fear Death. I fear losing my loved ones and at times, these are the fears that is holding a person back from loving even more! ahhh..what the heck.

#Learn to love and be loved# That's a beautiful phrase...dont' u think?


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