Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Advance Open Water...

DIVING! It's been a while since I last talk about diving...so here are some updates. ^_^

I went to take my Advance Open Water Diver's license 2 months ago (July '07) at Perhentian Island together with my sis, and 2 other friends. It was wayyyy cool. There were 5 skill sets that we have to take, so we took Deep Dive, Navigation Dive, Night Dive, Peak Performance Buoyancy and Wreck Dive.

Here are some of the best moments during the dive. In random order *teehee* 1# is a test we did during our deep dive. We went to a depth of 25m before we knelt down and did some test. One of the test that we did was the pressure test. Our instructor brought an egg down. Becoz the pressure was sooooooo big, a raw egg yolk would not burst! (see pic on the left) You get to actually play with it like some small ball...^_^ cool huh?

#2 is the bioluminescence you see in the night underwater. According to wikipedia (my fave btw...) bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by a living organism as the result of a chemical reaction during which chemical energy is converted to light energy. Errr...okie...that's a rather long explanation. What you see is clear shiny florescent light! I don't have a pic to show you, but if you google bioluminescence up, you'll see what I mean. What we did was to just wave our hands when we were in the water. It might have been some chemical reaction with those small organism in the water! WAY COOL! While we were diving, we had to carry a torch (which is a nuisance actually...I kept bumping into my dive buddy *teehee*). We saw a blue spotted stingray though...really nice. And the nicest of all is that when we surfaced, I had the opportunity to see one of the most beautiful sight of the sky, with tons and tons of stars just twinkling above me...The sight was just breath-taking! I wanted to just stay there...I honestly did not want to move...*ahhhh*

#3, overall dive is just magnificent. Wreck dive sucks a bit...I actually bumped into the wreck! *gosh*...I totally freaked out. The one thing that was running through my mind was "gosh...what happened if the whole wreck crashes! I might just hit the headlines of any news! I MAKE THE WRECK CRASH DOWN TO ASHES!!" Hence, I hated the whole wreck dive. I got soooo paranoid. Visibility was soooo bad it was really unbelievable...
Then again, it has been a great dive. Perhentian sure is a nice place to dive. Divers - Perhentian can be your next dive spot if you haven't been there...Non divers - learn to dive and go there! *teehee*
Btw, pictures are courtesy of Stan Lee...^_^


At 10:08 AM, Blogger [rena] said...

I wish I can scuba dive too. No need to strap me with the tanks and all, I'll sink voluntarily. Help!

Lovely photos!

At 11:00 AM, Blogger *chiaoju* said...

Eh...everyone can dive...^_^ so if I the-all-so-easily-panic-gal can dive, so can you. Bring the kids (when they are 8) and go dive as a family. I've seen lots of families do it!!! very cool! :)


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