Friday, November 11, 2005


Humans... OH HUMANS... Who are u? What are u? Hmmmm... Humans are the same yet different. We might look the same but are still different. Even identical twins who are EXACTLY the same can be different. Every human is unique in their own way. Pros and cons... If we are all the same, it would be a pretty boring world, dont' you think?

Because of our differences, we tend to have conflicts. Conflicts. Big word... Conflicts can strain a relationship, a friendship. But it's never easy to avoid a conflict. Conflicts happen all the time regardless of who you are, or what you do. Nevertheless, we must still learn to deal with all the conflicts that we faced. How do we deal with it? That i don't know...

As we think about the conflicts that we face, don't you think that in a way, our lifes revolves among the humans that are around us? At times, it felt as though we live our lifes for them and vice versa. Hmmmm... We are all interelated, in every way. I can't remember but I think in my previous blogs, I did talk about the fact that it is fate that brought us all together. Therefore, we are all ONE BIG family without even realizing it!

Humans - they are definitely complicated. Guys, if you are reading this, it is not just women who are complicated but it's HUMANS in general that are complicated. HOMO SAPIENS (If, you want to think in a more scientific way). Humans OH HUMANS! :)


At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my darling juju-siao, humans are complex creatures in every single possible way! there is no denying to it. (we try to think that we aren't but mostly in denial for the 99.9% of the time) even one small minor detail can be blown out of proportion by who else...?! by none other our... human kind! =P
p/s: i'm pretty complex myself!!!~~~muHAHahhAAHaha~~~


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