Wednesday, September 06, 2006


There's this one question I've always wanted to ask...but I just never got about asking it. So I shall post it here and whoever reads them and has an answer perhaps can just post a comment and let me know the answer.

Why do we have to ALWAYS pull up the shades of the cabin window in the plane during take off and landing? Why do the lights have to be turned off during taking off and landing? I mean, when the announcement comes up, the reason is "...due to safety reasons, please ensure that..."

I came up with some of the possible reasons. It could be...they don't want ppl from the outside to see what's happening in the inside...which makes no sense. I mean...who would see you when u are 10,000 feet up in the sky? Superman? Or maybe the birds...It could be...they dont' want terrorist to spot the plane (with the lights being turned off)...which again makes no sense, coz with that loud sound that comes out from the plane...there's no way you can hide from them.

So, what could be the reason, relative to the safety reason posted by the airlines? Hmmmmm...Anyone got the answer? I've always wanted to ask the air stewardess, but...somehow, I just never got to that. And the reason behind just killing me. HAHAHA


At 10:58 AM, Blogger *chiaoju* said...

There...the answer from the smartiest pants in the world..

Singh, Ajeetpal [10:49 AM]:
Why do we have to ALWAYS pull up the shades of the cabin window in the plane during take off and landing? To look outside if there is an egine fire and inform cabin crew and pilot

Why do the lights have to be turned off during taking off and landing? Only night because to have full view of the outside. Its all for safety.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger --iffil-- said...

Why close shade at 10million feet?
Answer #1) Coz no ozone layer and UV protection... the sun rays are deadly and will KILL anyone who opens the shade (read: "my eyyeeesssssss!!!!").
Answer #2) At 10million feet, the air is thin and ultra-cold. The windows are covered with ice. Which could bring down the temperature of the cabin. So, the shade filters the coldness.. making the cabin warm and comfortable... aaahhhhhh.

Why turn off the light during take offs and landings? Hmm.. tricky. The plane consumes 50zigatonne of watts during those time. So, all the electric power is used up for that and to play those boring music. If they keep the lights on, it might be blinking frantically... which may cause people to either shout "we're going downnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!" or shout "get down on it!" and disco-dance to the boring music.

Well. Hope my answers will further confuse you. Good day =D

At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do we have to ALWAYS pull up the shades of the cabin window in the plane during take off and landing?
Bcoz the Air Controller on the ground would like to have a clear look at all the jokers and monkeys inside the plane, to see whehter they all behave nicely or not.

Why do the lights have to be turned off during taking off and landing?
Well...this one....when you're in darkness will you see clearly? Of coz not right? So if there is an accident...then you won't be able to tell to the air crash investigators whose fault...Pilot? so the airline and the pilot are on the safe side....
just think about it....mmmmm....

At 2:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

try taking budget airlines..

lights and mobiles remain ON during take-off =)


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